
Aura Liquore di vino rosso Mini Fiaschetta 0,03 l






15.86 %

London Spirit Competition 2020 - Gold
The Spirit Business 2020 – Master medal
Europe Wine&Spirit Trophy 2021 – Double Gold
The Frankfurt International Trophy 2021 - Gold
World Spirits Trophy 2021 - Gold
Concours International de Lyon 2022 – Gold
Frankfurt International Trophy 2022 – Gold
London Spirits Competitions 2022 - Gold
World Spirits Trophy International 2022 – Gold
European Spirits Challenge 2023 – Gold
Smotra istarskih rakija Hum 2023 - Gold
Spirits Selection 2023 - Gold
Teranino Festival Bale 2023 - Gold
Catad'Or World Spirits Awards 2023 - Gold
World Spirits Trophy International 2023 - Triple gold
European Spirits Challenge 2024 - Gold
London Spirits Competition 2024 - Gold
London spirits competition 2024 - Liqueur of the year
London Spirits Competition 2024 - Best in show by country category
Vinistra 2024 - Platinum

12,00 €

Informativa sulle spedizioni

Aura Liquore di vino rosso Mini Fiaschetta 0,03 l

Teranino - liquore di vino rosso Teran e 10 spezie

Il nostro prodotto più famoso e il preferito del pubblico femminile. Aura Teranino ha vinto numerosi premi d'oro in prestigiosi concorsi mondiali.

Di colore rubino chiaro, parzialmente denso, dal sapore dolce e stratificato, con una nota predominante di ciliegia matura, cioccolato bianco e cannella, con una sorprendente nota di marmellata di ciliegie nel retrogusto.

Servizio: come digestivo, senza ghiaccio, raffreddato a 0-6 °C. Ottimo abbinato a dolci.

Altre quantità dello stesso prodotto

Siamo orgogliosi di condividere i premi Liquore di vino rosso Mini Fiaschetta 0,03 l è stato premiato con!

illustrationLondon Spirit Competition 2020 - Gold
London Spirit Competition 2020 - Gold
illustrationThe Spirit Business 2020 – Master medal
The Spirit Business 2020 – Master medal
illustrationEurope Wine&Spirit Trophy 2021 – Double Gold
Europe Wine&Spirit Trophy 2021 – Double Gold
illustrationThe Frankfurt International Trophy 2021 - Gold
The Frankfurt International Trophy 2021 - Gold
illustrationWorld Spirits Trophy 2021 - Gold
World Spirits Trophy 2021 - Gold
illustrationConcours International de Lyon 2022 – Gold
Concours International de Lyon 2022 – Gold
illustrationFrankfurt International Trophy 2022 – Gold
Frankfurt International Trophy 2022 – Gold
illustrationLondon Spirits Competitions 2022 - Gold
London Spirits Competitions 2022 - Gold
illustrationWorld Spirits Trophy International 2022 – Gold
World Spirits Trophy International 2022 – Gold
illustrationEuropean Spirits Challenge 2023 – Gold
European Spirits Challenge 2023 – Gold
illustrationSmotra istarskih rakija Hum 2023 - Gold
Smotra istarskih rakija Hum 2023 - Gold
illustrationSpirits Selection 2023 - Gold
Spirits Selection 2023 - Gold
illustrationTeranino Festival Bale 2023 - Gold
Teranino Festival Bale 2023 - Gold
illustrationCatad'Or World Spirits Awards 2023 - Gold
Catad'Or World Spirits Awards 2023 - Gold
illustrationWorld Spirits Trophy International 2023 - Triple gold
World Spirits Trophy International 2023 - Triple gold
illustrationEuropean Spirits Challenge 2024 - Gold
European Spirits Challenge 2024 - Gold
illustrationLondon Spirits Competition 2024 - Gold
London Spirits Competition 2024 - Gold
illustrationLondon spirits competition 2024 - Liqueur of the year
London spirits competition 2024 - Liqueur of the year
illustrationLondon Spirits Competition 2024 - Best in show by country category
London Spirits Competition 2024 - Best in show by country category
illustrationVinistra 2024 - Platinum
Vinistra 2024 - Platinum
Teranino - Aura
Prodotti in evidenza